+350% & , +35% | 46 Hr 9 Min
01:50 AM (Night)
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Abandoned Hill Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 39
Average EXP: 1983
Average Gold: 99
Different Monsters: 40
Zenith Monsters: 4
Legendary Monsters: 2
Ancient Monsters: 1
Route Order 160
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Ground Trainer
113,011 EXP
5,650 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Titasukan Regular 45 Defense Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Wachtary Regular 46 Life Drain
Name Class Level Held Item
Alioramus Emissary 45 Attack Weapon
Ground Trainer
36,633 EXP
1,831 Gold
1 x MP Max
1 x Perfect Revive
Name Class Level Held Item
Hosage Regular 45 Freezing Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Hadrosaur Superior 45 Critical Weapon
Ground Trainer
36,892 EXP
1,844 Gold
1 x MP Max
1 x Perfect Revive
Name Class Level Held Item
Sparcutear Regular 47 Party Educational Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Picsart Superior 47 Sleeping Weapon
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Flaccoon Regular 38 40 713 35 Atk: 1 6.03%
Wanwacht Regular 38 40 813 40 SpAtk: 2 5.85%
Arigant Regular 38 40 835 41 Atk: 2 5.85%
Ferlit Regular 38 40 835 41 Def: 2 5.85%
Pangolin Regular 38 40 869 43 SpAtk: 2 5.85%
Intimidramon Regular 38 40 891 44 SpAtk: 2 5.85%
Rooferno Regular 38 40 902 45 Speed: 2 5.85%
Duragon Regular 38 40 936 46 HP: 2 5.85%
Sparcutear Regular 38 40 969 48 SpAtk: 2 5.85%
Hosage Regular 38 40 969 48 HP: 2 5.85%
Wachtary Regular 38 40 969 48 SpDef: 2 5.85%
Titasukan Regular 38 40 969 48 SpAtk: 2 5.85%
Startian Regular 38 40 969 48 Def: 2 5.85%
Clodillo Superior 40 42 738 36 Atk: 1 1.66%
Tremodogon Superior 40 42 784 39 SpAtk: 1 1.66%
Volcaroo Superior 40 42 2319 115 SpAtk: 3 1.66%
Picsart Superior 40 42 2342 117 Def: 2 1.66%
Hadrosaur Superior 40 42 2389 119 SpAtk: 2 1.66%
Dragomoss Superior 40 42 2530 126 Speed: 3 1.66%
Mantillain Superior 40 42 2764 138 SpAtk: 2 1.66%
Spidra Superior 40 42 2764 138 Speed: 3 1.66%
Jersand Emissary 43 45 817 40 Def: 1 0.84%
Mohole Emissary 43 45 892 44 SpDef: 2 0.84%
Rasaur Emissary 43 45 955 47 SpDef: 2 0.84%
Pumpko Emissary 43 45 1030 51 Speed: 2 0.84%
Kainchus Emissary 43 45 2363 118 SpAtk: 2 0.84%
Peregrass Emissary 43 45 2765 138 SpDef: 2 0.84%
Alioramus Emissary 43 45 6134 306 SpAtk: 3 0.84%
Dryigor Emissary 43 45 7216 360 Atk: 3 0.84%
Bathyphysa Emissary 43 45 7241 362 HP: 3 0.84%
Tigerking Emissary 43 45 7241 362 SpDef: 4 0.84%
Mantkin Emissary 43 45 7329 366 Def: 3 0.84%
Crokin Emissary 43 45 7379 368 Def: 3 0.84%
Fossect Zenith 50 50 43357 2167 SpDef: 3 0.08%
Firebird Zenith 50 50 43428 2171 Speed: 4 0.08%
Spectrorb Zenith 50 50 48071 2403 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Drarmor Zenith 50 50 49428 2471 Atk: 4 0.08%
Xanthidae Legendary 60 60 331285 16564 SpAtk: 4 0.04%
Venena Legendary 60 60 345857 17292 Def: 4 0.04%
Hetephinx Ancient 70 70 1750000 87500 SpAtk: 4 0.01%
MonsterMMORPG Abandoned Hill: Game Map of MonsterMMORPG, Route Id 160, Zone Ground. MonsterMMORPG Abandoned Hill Game Map: Route Id: 160, Zone: Ground. You can catch 40 different Monsters at this route of MonsterMMORPG game.
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