03:49 AM (Night)
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Average Level: 41
Average EXP: 1710
Average Gold: 85
Different Monsters: 78
Zenith Monsters: 15
Legendary Monsters: 6
Ancient Monsters: 4
Route Order 111
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Water Trainer
59,304 EXP
2,965 Gold
1 x MT524
1 x MT525
Name Class Level Held Item
Leviawave Regular 38 Vampiric Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Crassel Regular 39 Evasion Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Turtank Superior 38 Speed Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Corock Superior 38 Brutal Weapon
Water Trainer
55,272 EXP
2,763 Gold
1 x MT524
1 x MT525
Name Class Level Held Item
Jabiuiu Regular 38 Life Drain
Name Class Level Held Item
Laminish Regular 40 Razor Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Psaraminae Regular 39 Mystical Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Ilbatish Superior 38 Defense Armor
Water Trainer
88,872 EXP
4,443 Gold
1 x Ultimate Revive
1 x Regular Net
Name Class Level Held Item
Kinfish Superior 40 Poisonous Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Jesiscus Superior 38 Party Educational Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Bubay Emissary 39 Gale Force Boots
Name Class Level Held Item
Squeyerull Emissary 40 Gale Force Boots
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Levsea Regular 34 35 591 29 Atk: 2 5.74%
Sarkgron Regular 34 35 601 30 Speed: 2 5.57%
Platyl Regular 34 35 621 31 SpAtk: 2 5.57%
Laminish Regular 34 35 650 32 SpAtk: 2 5.57%
Jabiuiu Regular 34 35 680 34 Def: 2 5.57%
Leviawave Regular 34 35 729 36 Atk: 2 5.57%
Nightroc Regular 34 35 739 36 Speed: 2 5.57%
Spiriteon Regular 34 35 739 36 Atk: 2 5.57%
Crinch Regular 34 35 759 37 SpDef: 2 5.57%
Arachage Regular 34 35 768 38 Speed: 2 5.57%
Gauntress Regular 34 35 778 38 Def: 2 5.57%
Psaraminae Regular 34 35 788 39 SpAtk: 2 5.57%
Crassel Regular 34 35 837 41 Atk: 2 5.57%
Lighorn Regular 34 35 857 42 SpDef: 2 5.57%
Quolec Superior 36 37 709 35 Speed: 1 1.58%
Turtank Superior 36 37 761 38 Atk: 2 1.58%
Hounchic Superior 36 37 771 38 Atk: 2 1.58%
Kinfish Superior 36 37 771 38 Def: 2 1.58%
Jesiscus Superior 36 37 803 40 HP: 2 1.58%
Ilbatish Superior 36 37 2367 118 Speed: 2 1.58%
Spirulida Superior 36 37 2398 119 Atk: 2 1.58%
Quetzaja Superior 36 37 2409 120 SpAtk: 2 1.58%
Tametile Emissary 39 40 756 37 Speed: 2 0.8%
Freezice Emissary 39 40 857 42 SpAtk: 2 0.8%
Giliz Emissary 39 40 902 45 Atk: 2 0.8%
Bubay Emissary 39 40 1997 99 Speed: 3 0.8%
Glider Emissary 39 40 2573 128 SpAtk: 3 0.8%
Carinatus Emissary 39 40 5620 281 SpAtk: 3 0.8%
Horrifif Emissary 39 40 5744 287 Speed: 3 0.8%
Crokin Emissary 39 40 6624 331 Def: 3 0.8%
Magestand Emissary 39 40 6658 332 Speed: 3 0.8%
Sonar Emissary 39 40 6669 333 Speed: 3 0.8%
Seawing Emissary 39 40 6681 334 Def: 4 0.8%
Flolz Starter 75 75 1607 80 Speed: 2 0.1%
Asteon Zenith 50 50 42857 2142 Atk: 3 0.08%
Landrake Zenith 50 50 46071 2303 Atk: 3 0.08%
Drarock Zenith 50 50 47428 2371 Speed: 3 0.08%
Brachpour Zenith 50 50 49285 2464 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Blackmamba Legendary 60 60 355714 17785 Def: 4 0.04%
Metalzillamon Legendary 60 60 360000 18000 HP: 4 0.04%
Polarbeast Ancient 70 70 1960000 98000 Def: 4 0.01%
Using Regular Net Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Joulder Regular 33 35 553 27 Atk: 2 18.87%
Caleur Regular 33 35 680 34 Def: 2 18.84%
Glietross Regular 33 35 699 34 SpDef: 2 18.84%
Arcticub Regular 33 35 699 34 SpAtk: 2 18.84%
Greel Regular 33 35 718 35 Atk: 2 18.84%
Herophoenix Superior 35 37 2365 118 Speed: 3 5.36%
Tarantulice Zenith 50 50 49785 2489 Atk: 3 0.32%
Tsunidle Legendary 60 60 312857 15642 Def: 3 0.04%
Salamist Legendary 60 60 359142 17957 SpAtk: 4 0.04%
Kaimauna Ancient 70 70 1870000 93500 SpAtk: 4 0.01%
Using Quality Net Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Flyfro Regular 43 45 754 37 Def: 1 27.95%
Celsea Regular 43 45 942 47 Atk: 2 27.92%
Stingraei Regular 43 45 1081 54 SpAtk: 2 27.92%
Jesiscus Superior 45 47 1012 50 HP: 2 7.94%
Armoredshark Superior 45 47 3141 157 Atk: 3 7.94%
Roivile Zenith 60 60 53657 2682 Speed: 3 0.08%
Rhincodon Zenith 60 60 55200 2760 SpDef: 3 0.08%
Opisthote Zenith 60 60 55542 2777 HP: 3 0.08%
Aythya Zenith 60 60 55971 2798 Def: 3 0.08%
Hydrofels Ancient 80 80 2061714 103085 Speed: 4 0.01%
Using Perfect Net Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Joulder Regular 55 55 895 44 Atk: 2 20.55%
Piscia Regular 55 55 1210 60 SpAtk: 2 20.52%
Arctofuda Regular 55 55 1288 64 SpDef: 2 20.52%
Drafathery Regular 55 55 1367 68 Atk: 2 20.52%
Cryonatta Superior 57 57 1156 57 Atk: 2 5.84%
Mythulu Superior 57 57 3615 180 HP: 3 5.84%
Shramp Emissary 60 60 1251 62 Atk: 2 2.94%
Versathal Emissary 60 60 8571 428 HP: 2 2.94%
Rhincodon Zenith 70 70 64400 3220 SpDef: 3 0.16%
Arowayana Zenith 70 70 64400 3220 Def: 4 0.16%
Sicklefin Ancient 90 90 2214000 110700 SpDef: 4 0.01%
Walking On The Water (Hyper Surf Move Required)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Laminish Regular 34 35 650 32 SpAtk: 2 58.06%
Corock Superior 36 37 2325 116 SpDef: 2 16.52%
Snolipoly Emissary 39 40 812 40 HP: 2 8.34%
Squeyerull Emissary 39 40 1975 98 SpAtk: 2 8.34%
Eels Emissary 39 40 6613 330 Speed: 3 8.34%
Warcrab Zenith 50 50 48500 2425 SpDef: 3 0.08%
Tentamon Zenith 50 50 48714 2435 Def: 4 0.08%
Tarantulice Zenith 50 50 49785 2489 Atk: 3 0.08%
Oonamazu Zenith 50 50 49857 2492 Speed: 3 0.08%
Armoredturtle Legendary 60 60 350571 17528 Def: 4 0.04%
Nixpardus Legendary 60 60 355285 17764 SpAtk: 4 0.04%
MonsterMMORPG Pirate Town: Game Map of MonsterMMORPG, Route Id 111, Zone Water. MonsterMMORPG Pirate Town Game Map: Route Id: 111, Zone: Water. You can catch 78 different Monsters at this route of MonsterMMORPG game.
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