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Starfall Town Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 3
Average EXP: 754
Average Gold: 37
Different Monsters: 40
Zenith Monsters: 4
Legendary Monsters: 2
Ancient Monsters: 1
Route Order 1
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Terruft Regular 1 3 35 1 SpAtk: 1 6.67%
Altex Regular 1 3 35 1 SpDef: 2 6.51%
Canoof Regular 1 3 37 1 SpAtk: 1 6.51%
Elebug Regular 1 3 38 1 Speed: 2 6.51%
Turking Regular 1 3 40 2 SpDef: 2 6.51%
Sechick Regular 1 3 41 2 SpAtk: 2 6.51%
Biltune Regular 1 3 41 2 Atk: 2 6.51%
Morinori Regular 1 3 44 2 SpAtk: 2 6.51%
Dwarfdragon Regular 1 3 44 2 HP: 2 6.51%
Magmil Regular 1 3 48 2 SpAtk: 2 6.51%
Flybinyte Regular 1 3 48 2 Def: 2 6.51%
Woodelf Superior 3 5 76 3 Atk: 1 1.85%
Scattic Superior 3 5 77 3 Speed: 2 1.85%
Spatiade Superior 3 5 86 4 Speed: 2 1.85%
Berrby Superior 3 5 88 4 HP: 2 1.85%
Bachiru Superior 3 5 228 11 Speed: 2 1.85%
Jackrapid Superior 3 5 235 11 Speed: 2 1.85%
Wingedhorse Superior 3 5 243 12 Def: 2 1.85%
Dratlemon Superior 3 5 256 12 SpDef: 2 1.85%
Inagua Emissary 6 8 128 6 Atk: 2 0.93%
Whiton Emissary 6 8 150 7 SpAtk: 2 0.93%
Treeant Emissary 6 8 350 17 Speed: 2 0.93%
Raccorona Emissary 6 8 400 20 Atk: 2 0.93%
Kingey Emissary 6 8 410 20 Atk: 2 0.93%
Glaviauk Emissary 6 8 968 48 SpDef: 2 0.93%
Iratu Emissary 6 8 1000 50 Speed: 3 0.93%
Horrifim Emissary 6 8 1018 50 SpDef: 3 0.93%
Billystorm Emissary 6 8 1070 53 Atk: 3 0.93%
Nekoma Emissary 6 8 1078 53 Def: 3 0.93%
Clockwork Emissary 6 8 1102 55 Def: 3 0.93%
Tigerking Emissary 6 8 1152 57 SpDef: 4 0.93%
Icebear Emissary 6 8 1172 58 Speed: 3 0.93%
Gryphon Emissary 6 8 1184 59 HP: 3 0.93%
Alta Zenith 50 50 45714 2285 Def: 3 0.08%
Geosaur Zenith 50 50 49571 2478 HP: 4 0.08%
Galapaqua Zenith 50 50 51214 2560 Def: 3 0.08%
Vigor Zenith 50 50 51214 2560 Atk: 4 0.08%
Icewolf Legendary 60 60 318428 15921 Atk: 3 0.04%
Flareog Legendary 60 60 322714 16135 SpDef: 4 0.04%
Blazcoria Ancient 70 70 1818000 90900 SpDef: 4 0.01%
MonsterMMORPG Starfall Town: Game Map of MonsterMMORPG, Route Id 1, Zone Normal. MonsterMMORPG Starfall Town Game Map: Route Id: 1, Zone: Normal. You can catch 40 different Monsters at this route of MonsterMMORPG game.
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