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Tension Forest Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 50
Average EXP: 2298
Average Gold: 114
Different Monsters: 40
Zenith Monsters: 4
Legendary Monsters: 2
Ancient Monsters: 1
Route Order 254
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Electric Trainer
206,652 EXP
10,332 Gold
1 x Vampiric Weapon
1 x SHappiness Potion
Name Class Level Held Item
Multimum Regular 59 Party Educational Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Leow Regular 61 Caster
Name Class Level Held Item
Sparquoll Superior 59 Vampiric Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Elecrat Superior 61 Party Educational Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Spithning Emissary 59 Burning Weapon
Electric Trainer
178,296 EXP
8,914 Gold
1 x Vampiric Weapon
1 x SHappiness Potion
Name Class Level Held Item
Thunduppy Regular 61 Evasion Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Jolteaver Superior 60 Brutal Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Parakute Superior 60 Electric Orb
Name Class Level Held Item
Snatchquapp Emissary 60 SpDefense Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Coltivat Emissary 60 Electric Orb
Electric Trainer
129,506 EXP
6,475 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Karatile Emissary 59 Vampiric Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Eels Emissary 59 Confusing Weapon
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Keradon Regular 49 50 820 41 Atk: 2 6.67%
Girvoltz Regular 49 50 905 45 Atk: 1 6.51%
Joltou Regular 49 50 961 48 Def: 2 6.51%
Genlasor Regular 49 50 1032 51 Speed: 2 6.51%
Ebeeon Regular 49 50 1074 53 Def: 2 6.51%
Tenvolt Regular 49 50 1074 53 Def: 2 6.51%
Ornithop Regular 49 50 1216 60 Atk: 2 6.51%
Wrektric Regular 49 50 1216 60 Speed: 2 6.51%
Thunduppy Regular 49 50 1230 61 Speed: 2 6.51%
Leow Regular 49 50 1230 61 SpAtk: 2 6.51%
Multimum Regular 49 50 1230 61 SpDef: 2 6.51%
Spelion Superior 51 52 1088 54 Speed: 2 1.85%
Toxouse Superior 51 52 1236 61 Atk: 2 1.85%
Meteorus Superior 51 52 2972 148 SpAtk: 2 1.85%
Rockshield Superior 51 52 3134 156 SpDef: 2 1.85%
Elecrat Superior 51 52 3413 170 Atk: 2 1.85%
Jolteaver Superior 51 52 3443 172 SpDef: 2 1.85%
Parakute Superior 51 52 3487 174 Speed: 2 1.85%
Sparquoll Superior 51 52 3516 175 Atk: 2 1.85%
Puphan Emissary 54 55 949 47 HP: 2 0.93%
Heabbit Emissary 54 55 1012 50 Speed: 2 0.93%
Floraloat Emissary 54 55 1058 52 Speed: 1 0.93%
Metyke Emissary 54 55 1074 53 SpDef: 2 0.93%
Tranduf Emissary 54 55 1183 59 Speed: 2 0.93%
Vixzorro Emissary 54 55 1199 59 SpAtk: 2 0.93%
Snatchquapp Emissary 54 55 3083 154 Speed: 2 0.93%
Coltivat Emissary 54 55 3083 154 Atk: 2 0.93%
Incendat Emissary 54 55 3129 156 Def: 2 0.93%
Karatile Emissary 54 55 3488 174 HP: 2 0.93%
Spithning Emissary 54 55 7489 374 Atk: 2 0.93%
Mantkin Emissary 54 55 9078 453 Def: 3 0.93%
Ahool Emissary 54 55 9109 455 Atk: 3 0.93%
Eels Emissary 54 55 9124 456 Speed: 3 0.93%
Xiirksha Zenith 57 58 49778 2488 Speed: 3 0.08%
Draschect Zenith 57 58 50353 2517 Def: 3 0.08%
Roivile Zenith 57 58 51421 2571 Speed: 3 0.08%
Thunderko Zenith 57 58 51503 2575 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Haloudelou Legendary 62 63 321428 16071 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Manticora Legendary 62 63 322767 16138 SpDef: 3 0.04%
Tempteras Ancient 70 70 1816000 90800 SpDef: 4 0.01%
MonsterMMORPG Tension Forest: Game Map of MonsterMMORPG, Route Id 254, Zone Electric. MonsterMMORPG Tension Forest Game Map: Route Id: 254, Zone: Electric. You can catch 40 different Monsters at this route of MonsterMMORPG game.
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