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23:35 PM (Night)
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Lodgepole Town Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 6
Average EXP: 831
Average Gold: 41
Different Monsters: 40
Zenith Monsters: 4
Legendary Monsters: 2
Ancient Monsters: 1
Route Order 9
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Normal Trainer
10,854 EXP
542 Gold
1 x Minor Arcanum
1 x Accuracy Pill
Name Class Level Held Item
Pongulf Regular 5 Accuracy Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Chocouno Regular 5 Critical Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Charmadillo Emissary 6 Razor Claw
Normal Trainer
5,306 EXP
265 Gold
1 x Healing Potion
1 x Great Box
Name Class Level Held Item
Biltune Regular 5 Evasion Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Owloch Regular 6 Epic Hammer
Normal Trainer
10,050 EXP
502 Gold
1 x Accuracy Pill
1 x Attack Pill
Name Class Level Held Item
Whitecrest Regular 4 Epic Hammer
Name Class Level Held Item
Vepunis Regular 5 Brutal Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Elmotron Regular 4 Razor Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Dwarfdragon Regular 5 Superior Weapon
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Cicliby Regular 5 7 104 5 Speed: 2 5.3%
Coverite Regular 5 7 106 5 SpDef: 2 5.08%
Pongulf Regular 5 7 116 5 SpAtk: 2 5.08%
Vepunis Regular 5 7 120 6 HP: 2 5.08%
Biltune Regular 5 7 123 6 Atk: 2 5.08%
Whitecrest Regular 5 7 125 6 SpDef: 2 5.08%
Owloch Regular 5 7 126 6 SpAtk: 2 5.08%
Dwarfdragon Regular 5 7 132 6 HP: 2 5.08%
Elmotron Regular 5 7 137 6 SpAtk: 2 5.08%
Chocouno Regular 5 7 138 6 SpAtk: 2 5.08%
Slowsage Regular 5 7 144 7 SpAtk: 2 5.08%
Crystalizard Regular 5 7 144 7 Atk: 2 5.08%
Ramchic Regular 5 7 144 7 Def: 2 5.08%
Flicey Regular 5 7 145 7 HP: 2 5.08%
Salaritian Regular 5 7 145 7 Speed: 2 5.08%
Dividad Regular 5 7 149 7 SpAtk: 3 5.08%
Scorvera Superior 7 9 454 22 Def: 2 1.44%
Jackrapid Superior 7 9 470 23 Speed: 2 1.44%
Dragomoss Superior 7 9 493 24 Speed: 3 1.44%
Dolphline Superior 7 9 498 24 Atk: 2 1.44%
Griffin Superior 7 9 498 24 SpAtk: 2 1.44%
Caveon Superior 7 9 505 25 Def: 3 1.44%
Hoarfrost Superior 7 9 505 25 Atk: 3 1.44%
Soffovine Superior 7 9 539 26 Def: 3 1.44%
Charmadillo Emissary 10 12 220 11 Atk: 1 0.73%
Feral Emissary 10 12 550 27 Atk: 2 0.73%
Treeant Emissary 10 12 550 27 Speed: 2 0.73%
Abelisaurus Emissary 10 12 722 36 Def: 3 0.73%
Glacio Emissary 10 12 1590 79 Atk: 3 0.73%
Sandmule Emissary 10 12 1602 80 SpAtk: 2 0.73%
Nekoma Emissary 10 12 1694 84 Def: 3 0.73%
Parrotking Emissary 10 12 1844 92 Speed: 3 0.73%
Tacholeon Emissary 10 12 1866 93 SpAtk: 3 0.73%
Leviathan Zenith 50 50 43500 2175 Def: 3 0.08%
Blacktrex Zenith 50 50 43642 2182 SpDef: 3 0.08%
Geosaur Zenith 50 50 49571 2478 HP: 4 0.08%
Darkstein Zenith 50 50 50714 2535 Def: 4 0.08%
Pterogra Legendary 60 60 311142 15557 Atk: 3 0.04%
Salamist Legendary 60 60 359142 17957 SpAtk: 4 0.04%
Xwartya Ancient 70 70 1720000 86000 Atk: 4 0.01%
MonsterMMORPG Lodgepole Town: Game Map of MonsterMMORPG, Route Id 9, Zone Normal. MonsterMMORPG Lodgepole Town Game Map: Route Id: 9, Zone: Normal. You can catch 40 different Monsters at this route of MonsterMMORPG game.
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