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#1650 Lupred

Class: Superior
Catch Rate: 268
Level Gain Rate: Fast
Base Reward EXP: 74
Reward TP (Training Point): Speed: 2
Lupred in game: 3,716 Who?
AVG Level: 9
Gender Ratios:
50% Male / 50% Female

Base Stats

HP: 36
Attack: 47
Defense: 54
SpAttack: 64
SpDefense: 28
Speed: 68
Total: 297
Default Ability 1: Fighting Eager
Default Ability 2: Stat Novice
Default Ability 3: SpDefense Decreaser
Concept Artist: Neliorra
Artwork Artist: Neliorra

Lupred's elemental sensitivity to the enemy attacks:

: 100% : 100% : 100% : 100% : 200% : 100% : 100% : 0% : 100%
: 100% : 100% : 100% : 100% : 100% : 100% : 100% : 100% : 100%

Lupred's Transformation Line

#1650 Lupred
Normal (Type 1)
Level 42
#1651 Lupoon
Normal (Type 1) Dark (Type 2)

Lupred's Level-Up Attacks

ID: 95 Status Vector Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 23 MP: 40 Accuracy: 98 Class: 1
ID: 105 Trapping Force Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 28 MP: 40 Accuracy: 92 Class: 1
ID: 21 Boring Wallop Level: 1 Category: Special Base Power: 20 MP: 40 Accuracy: 100 Class: 1
ID: 45 Percuss Level: 8 Category: Physical Base Power: 33 MP: 40 Accuracy: 100 Class: 1
ID: 25 Special Strike Level: 9 Category: Special Base Power: 25 MP: 40 Accuracy: 93 Class: 1
ID: 100 Bash Level: 10 Category: Physical Base Power: 41 MP: 40 Accuracy: 95 Class: 1
ID: 114 Thump Level: 19 Category: Physical Base Power: 48 MP: 35 Accuracy: 100 Class: 2
ID: 132 Armor Crush Level: 20 Category: Special Base Power: 33 MP: 35 Accuracy: 100 Class: 2
ID: 189 Pressure Swat Level: 21 Category: Physical Base Power: 37 MP: 35 Accuracy: 93 Class: 2
ID: 340 Adhesive Level: 25 Category: Special Base Power: 36 MP: 30 Accuracy: 100 Class: 3
ID: 359 Sleep Kiss Level: 26 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 30 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 3
ID: 525 Rapid Fist Level: 32 Category: Special Base Power: 44 MP: 25 Accuracy: 87 Class: 4
ID: 932 Total Draw Level: 36 Category: Special Base Power: 1000 MP: 25 Accuracy: 90 Class: 4
ID: 761 Burning Gaze Level: 36 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 25 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 4
ID: 546 Shivering Attack Level: 43 Category: Physical Base Power: 52 MP: 20 Accuracy: 92 Class: 5

MT (Mythical Tablet) Moves Lupred Can Learn

ID: 10 Copycat MT10 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 40 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 1
ID: 17 Hypnotizing Strike MT17 Category: Physical Base Power: 23 MP: 40 Accuracy: 88 Class: 1
ID: 411 Spine Kick MT409 Category: Special Base Power: 28 MP: 40 Accuracy: 91 Class: 1
ID: 36 Focused Thrust MT36 Category: Physical Base Power: 25 MP: 40 Accuracy: 87 Class: 1
ID: 27 Curl Up MT27 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 40 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 1
ID: 93 Slow Slam MT93 Category: Physical Base Power: 20 MP: 40 Accuracy: 100 Class: 1
ID: 23 Arena Trap MT23 Category: Physical Base Power: 22 MP: 40 Accuracy: 100 Class: 1
ID: 127 Strike MT126 Category: Special Base Power: 45 MP: 35 Accuracy: 100 Class: 2
ID: 107 Equality MT106 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 35 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 2
ID: 379 Black Shroud MT377 Category: Special Base Power: 32 MP: 35 Accuracy: 97 Class: 2
ID: 114 Thump MT113 Category: Physical Base Power: 48 MP: 35 Accuracy: 100 Class: 2
ID: 401 Dark Melody MT399 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 35 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 2
ID: 738 Breeze Breaker MT735 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 30 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 3
ID: 240 Disrupting Wave MT238 Category: Physical Base Power: 45 MP: 30 Accuracy: 95 Class: 3
ID: 249 Quick Strike MT247 Category: Special Base Power: 40 MP: 30 Accuracy: 86 Class: 3
ID: 477 Juggle MT475 Category: Special Base Power: 48 MP: 25 Accuracy: 84 Class: 4
ID: 482 Lion Heart MT480 Category: Physical Base Power: 65 MP: 25 Accuracy: 72 Class: 4
ID: 429 Table Turn MT427 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 25 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 4
ID: 604 Reboot MT602 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 20 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 5

Lupred's Ability Pool - Lupred Randomly Gains 3 of These When Captured

Accuracy Novice
Attack Decreaser
Attack Gainer
Attack Novice
Bleeding Immunity
Bonus Damage
Burn Immunity
Critic Novice
Defense Decreaser
Defense Gainer
Defense Novice
Effect Expert
Effective Healing
Evasion Novice
Expert Leader
Fighting Eager
Maximum Attack
Maximum Defense
Maximum SpAttack
Maximum SpDefense
Move Expert
Natural Heal
Physical Novice
Poisoning Immunity
Shield Novice
Slow Strong
Slow Tough
SpAttack Decreaser
SpAttack Gainer
SpAttack Novice
SpDefense Decreaser
SpDefense Gainer
SpDefense Novice
Special Novice
Speed Novice
Stat Novice
Monster: Lupred - Level Gain Rate: Fast - Class: Superior
This level gain rate monsters required total EXP amounts for each level
L 1: 0 EXP
L 2: 9 EXP
L 3: 31 EXP
L 4: 76 EXP
L 5: 150 EXP
L 6: 258 EXP
L 7: 411 EXP
L 8: 613 EXP
L 9: 874 EXP
L 10: 1,200 EXP
L 11: 1,596 EXP
L 12: 2,073 EXP
L 13: 2,635 EXP
L 14: 3,292 EXP
L 15: 4,050 EXP
L 16: 4,914 EXP
L 17: 5,895 EXP
L 18: 6,997 EXP
L 19: 8,230 EXP
L 20: 9,600 EXP
L 21: 11,112 EXP
L 22: 12,777 EXP
L 23: 14,599 EXP
L 24: 16,588 EXP
L 25: 37,500 EXP
L 26: 42,180 EXP
L 27: 47,238 EXP
L 28: 52,682 EXP
L 29: 58,532 EXP
L 30: 64,800 EXP
L 31: 71,496 EXP
L 32: 78,642 EXP
L 33: 86,246 EXP
L 34: 94,328 EXP
L 35: 102,900 EXP
L 36: 111,972 EXP
L 37: 121,566 EXP
L 38: 131,690 EXP
L 39: 142,364 EXP
L 40: 153,600 EXP
L 41: 165,408 EXP
L 42: 177,810 EXP
L 43: 190,814 EXP
L 44: 204,440 EXP
L 45: 218,700 EXP
L 46: 233,604 EXP
L 47: 249,174 EXP
L 48: 265,418 EXP
L 49: 282,356 EXP
L 50: 450,000 EXP
L 51: 477,540 EXP
L 52: 506,187 EXP
L 53: 535,953 EXP
L 54: 566,868 EXP
L 55: 598,950 EXP
L 56: 632,214 EXP
L 57: 666,693 EXP
L 58: 702,399 EXP
L 59: 739,362 EXP
L 60: 777,600 EXP
L 61: 817,128 EXP
L 62: 857,979 EXP
L 63: 900,165 EXP
L 64: 943,716 EXP
L 65: 988,650 EXP
L 66: 1,034,982 EXP
L 67: 1,082,745 EXP
L 68: 1,131,951 EXP
L 69: 1,182,630 EXP
L 70: 1,646,400 EXP
L 71: 1,717,968 EXP
L 72: 1,791,588 EXP
L 73: 1,867,276 EXP
L 74: 1,945,072 EXP
L 75: 2,025,000 EXP
L 76: 2,107,080 EXP
L 77: 2,191,356 EXP
L 78: 2,277,844 EXP
L 79: 2,366,584 EXP
L 80: 2,457,600 EXP
L 81: 2,550,912 EXP
L 82: 2,646,564 EXP
L 83: 2,744,572 EXP
L 84: 2,844,976 EXP
L 85: 3,684,750 EXP
L 86: 3,816,330 EXP
L 87: 3,951,015 EXP
L 88: 4,088,825 EXP
L 89: 4,229,810 EXP
L 90: 4,374,000 EXP
L 91: 4,521,420 EXP
L 92: 4,672,125 EXP
L 93: 4,826,135 EXP
L 94: 4,983,500 EXP
L 95: 5,144,250 EXP
L 96: 5,308,410 EXP
L 97: 5,476,035 EXP
L 98: 5,647,145 EXP
L 99: 5,821,790 EXP
L 100: 6,000,000 EXP
L 101: 6,300,000 EXP
L 102: 6,615,000 EXP
L 103: 6,945,000 EXP
L 104: 7,292,000 EXP
L 105: 7,656,000 EXP
L 106: 8,038,000 EXP
L 107: 8,439,000 EXP
L 108: 8,860,000 EXP
L 109: 9,303,000 EXP
L 110: 9,768,000 EXP
L 111: 10,256,000 EXP
L 112: 10,768,000 EXP
L 113: 11,306,000 EXP
L 114: 11,871,000 EXP
L 115: 12,464,000 EXP
L 116: 13,087,000 EXP
L 117: 13,741,000 EXP
L 118: 14,428,000 EXP
L 119: 15,149,000 EXP
L 120: 15,906,000 EXP
L 121: 16,701,000 EXP
L 122: 17,536,000 EXP
L 123: 18,412,000 EXP
L 124: 19,332,000 EXP
L 125: 20,298,000 EXP
L 126: 21,312,000 EXP
L 127: 22,377,000 EXP
L 128: 23,495,000 EXP
L 129: 24,669,000 EXP
L 130: 25,902,000 EXP

Important notice! Monster Lupred is a fictional character of humans.
There is only single Creator of everything and anything
All Monster are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects.
Games are for only fun time and do never put any spiritual/religional or deity meaning into them!
Never pass your necessary jobs and duties due to gameplaying!
Moreover, there is no such thing as random evolution. However, there can be evolution programmed by Almighty Creator Allah.

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