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#2138 Quinnlong

Class: Emissary
Catch Rate: 69
Level Gain Rate: Normal
Base Reward EXP: 557
Reward TP (Training Point): Attack: 3
Quinnlong in game: 404 Who?
AVG Level: 39
Gender Ratios:
50% Male / 50% Female

Base Stats

HP: 103
Attack: 118
Defense: 86
SpAttack: 107
SpDefense: 65
Speed: 78
Total: 557
Default Ability 1: Expert Regenerator
Default Ability 2: Cringe Immunity
Default Ability 3: Scary
Concept Artist: Phatmon
Artwork Artist: Phatmon

Quinnlong's elemental sensitivity to the enemy attacks:

: 50% : 100% : 200% : 0% : 100% : 50% : 100% : 100% : 100%
: 100% : 400% : 200% : 100% : 50% : 100% : 50% : 100% : 100%

Quinnlong's Transformation Line

#2138 Quinnlong
Dragon (Type 1) Ground (Type 2)

AI (Ancient Inscription) Moves Quinnlong Can Learn

ID: 686 Fly AI1 Category: Special Base Power: 115 MP: 15 Accuracy: 80 Class: 6

Quinnlong's Level-Up Attacks

ID: 28 Theivery Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 40 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 1
ID: 449 Desert Aura Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 40 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 1
ID: 100 Bash Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 41 MP: 40 Accuracy: 95 Class: 1
ID: 757 Outstanding Hit Level: 6 Category: Physical Base Power: 24 MP: 35 Accuracy: 100 Class: 2
ID: 1187 Draco Rift Level: 13 Category: Special Base Power: 1 MP: 30 Accuracy: 89 Class: 3
ID: 1641 Earthen Blade Level: 19 Category: Physical Base Power: 55 MP: 25 Accuracy: 100 Class: 4
ID: 703 Haunting Yell Level: 20 Category: Special Base Power: 42 MP: 25 Accuracy: 92 Class: 4
ID: 378 Beta Ray Level: 20 Category: Special Base Power: 64 MP: 25 Accuracy: 85 Class: 4
ID: 1866 Poison Wings Level: 25 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 20 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 5
ID: 1597 Basilisk Slash Level: 26 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 MP: 20 Accuracy: 95 Class: 5
ID: 1362 Dark Power Level: 30 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 MP: 15 Accuracy: 69 Class: 6
ID: 2084 Sleeper Hold Level: 31 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 MP: 15 Accuracy: 76 Class: 6
ID: 2079 Earthen Burden Level: 39 Category: Physical Base Power: 129 MP: 15 Accuracy: 88 Class: 6
ID: 2089 Gravel Sling Level: 42 Category: Special Base Power: 119 MP: 15 Accuracy: 69 Class: 6
ID: 2131 Drake Landing Level: 48 Category: Physical Base Power: 95 MP: 12 Accuracy: 79 Class: 7
ID: 1454 Sleep Eternal Level: 55 Category: Special Base Power: 312 MP: 12 Accuracy: 68 Class: 7
ID: 2402 Rock Break Level: 57 Category: Special Base Power: 64 MP: 12 Accuracy: 82 Class: 7
ID: 1617 Supernova Level: 60 Category: Special Base Power: 102 MP: 10 Accuracy: 78 Class: 8
ID: 2169 Beast Cannon Level: 64 Category: Special Base Power: 75 MP: 10 Accuracy: 77 Class: 8
ID: 2347 Whirled Winds Level: 70 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 MP: 10 Accuracy: 75 Class: 8
ID: 2775 Hypnotic Rage Level: 75 Category: Physical Base Power: 93 MP: 8 Accuracy: 67 Class: 9

MT (Mythical Tablet) Moves Quinnlong Can Learn

ID: 183 Squeeze MT181 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 MP: 40 Accuracy: 100 Class: 1
ID: 421 Attempted Burial MT419 Category: Physical Base Power: 24 MP: 40 Accuracy: 86 Class: 1
ID: 377 Volcanic Explosion MT375 Category: Physical Base Power: 20 MP: 40 Accuracy: 100 Class: 1
ID: 70 Lost Chance MT70 Category: Special Base Power: 21 MP: 40 Accuracy: 100 Class: 1
ID: 217 High Frequency MT215 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 35 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 2
ID: 918 Earth Power MT915 Category: Special Base Power: 25 MP: 35 Accuracy: 100 Class: 2
ID: 818 Stone Fist MT815 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 MP: 35 Accuracy: 95 Class: 2
ID: 654 Poison Mine MT652 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 35 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 2
ID: 752 Catatonic Gust MT749 Category: Special Base Power: 24 MP: 35 Accuracy: 100 Class: 2
ID: 403 Dark Raze MT401 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 MP: 30 Accuracy: 95 Class: 3
ID: 1199 Dragon Rumble MT1196 Category: Special Base Power: 31 MP: 30 Accuracy: 100 Class: 3
ID: 637 Haunting Voice MT635 Category: Special Base Power: 37 MP: 30 Accuracy: 100 Class: 3
ID: 1188 Draconic Fireball MT1185 Category: Special Base Power: 37 MP: 30 Accuracy: 93 Class: 3
ID: 1200 Extinction MT1197 Category: Special Base Power: 1000 MP: 25 Accuracy: 90 Class: 4
ID: 1201 Magic Circle MT1198 Category: Special Base Power: 56 MP: 25 Accuracy: 81 Class: 4
ID: 1593 Dragon Hammer MT1590 Category: Physical Base Power: 71 MP: 25 Accuracy: 94 Class: 4
ID: 1853 Jutting Crust MT1850 Category: Special Base Power: 44 MP: 20 Accuracy: 93 Class: 5
ID: 1006 Magma Burst MT1003 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 MP: 20 Accuracy: 85 Class: 5
ID: 1910 Earth Stance MT1906 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 20 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 5
ID: 1850 Lava Wing MT1847 Category: Physical Base Power: 65 MP: 20 Accuracy: 80 Class: 5
ID: 2090 Mineral Absorb MT2086 Category: Special Base Power: 76 MP: 15 Accuracy: 71 Class: 6
ID: 1204 Burning Barrage MT1201 Category: Special Base Power: 162 MP: 15 Accuracy: 88 Class: 6
ID: 2037 Needle Tomb MT2033 Category: Special Base Power: 153 MP: 15 Accuracy: 82 Class: 6
ID: 2087 Unstable Ground MT2083 Category: Special Base Power: 69 MP: 15 Accuracy: 71 Class: 6
ID: 2463 Predictable Shake MT2459 Category: Special Base Power: 1 MP: 12 Accuracy: 76 Class: 7
ID: 2464 Curb Stomp MT2460 Category: Physical Base Power: 95 MP: 12 Accuracy: 70 Class: 7
ID: 1000 Revivifying Strike MT997 Category: Physical Base Power: 106 MP: 12 Accuracy: 68 Class: 7
ID: 1387 Pendulum Swing MT1384 Category: Special Base Power: 1 MP: 12 Accuracy: 75 Class: 7
ID: 1458 Extra Energy MT1455 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 10 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 8
ID: 2170 Ozone Blast MT2166 Category: Special Base Power: 182 MP: 10 Accuracy: 70 Class: 8
ID: 2625 Erode MT2621 Category: Status Base Power: 1 MP: 10 Accuracy: 1000 Class: 8
ID: 2681 Maelstrom MT2677 Category: Special Base Power: 171 MP: 8 Accuracy: 59 Class: 9

Quinnlong's Ability Pool - Quinnlong Randomly Gains 3 of These When Captured

Accuracy Decreaser
Accuracy Gainer
Accuracy Master
Attack Master
Beyond Type
Bonus Damage
Confusion Immunity
Cringe Immunity
Critic Master
Critical Immunity
Defense Master
Dragon Expert
Dragon Immunity
Dragon Mania
Dragon Master
Effect Expert
Effective Healing
Evasion Decreaser
Evasion Master
Expert Defender
Expert Leader
Expert Regenerator
Freeze Immunity
Ground Expert
Ground Mania
Ground Master
Ice Immunity
Light Immunity
Maximum Accuracy
Maximum Evasion
Maximum Speed
Mind Breaker
Paralysis Immunity
Perfect Body
Physical Master
Shield Master
Sleep Immunity
Sleep Master
Slow Strong
Slow Tough
SpAttack Master
SpDefense Master
Special Master
Speed Decreaser
Speed Gainer
Speed Master
Stat Master
Monster: Quinnlong - Level Gain Rate: Normal - Class: Emissary
This level gain rate monsters required total EXP amounts for each level
L 1: 0 EXP
L 2: 10 EXP
L 3: 36 EXP
L 4: 89 EXP
L 5: 175 EXP
L 6: 301 EXP
L 7: 479 EXP
L 8: 715 EXP
L 9: 1,020 EXP
L 10: 1,400 EXP
L 11: 1,862 EXP
L 12: 2,418 EXP
L 13: 3,074 EXP
L 14: 3,841 EXP
L 15: 4,725 EXP
L 16: 5,733 EXP
L 17: 6,877 EXP
L 18: 8,163 EXP
L 19: 9,602 EXP
L 20: 11,200 EXP
L 21: 12,964 EXP
L 22: 14,906 EXP
L 23: 17,032 EXP
L 24: 19,353 EXP
L 25: 43,750 EXP
L 26: 49,210 EXP
L 27: 55,110 EXP
L 28: 61,462 EXP
L 29: 68,288 EXP
L 30: 75,600 EXP
L 31: 83,412 EXP
L 32: 91,748 EXP
L 33: 100,620 EXP
L 34: 110,050 EXP
L 35: 120,050 EXP
L 36: 130,634 EXP
L 37: 141,826 EXP
L 38: 153,638 EXP
L 39: 166,092 EXP
L 40: 179,200 EXP
L 41: 192,976 EXP
L 42: 207,444 EXP
L 43: 222,616 EXP
L 44: 238,514 EXP
L 45: 255,150 EXP
L 46: 272,538 EXP
L 47: 290,702 EXP
L 48: 309,654 EXP
L 49: 329,416 EXP
L 50: 525,000 EXP
L 51: 557,130 EXP
L 52: 590,550 EXP
L 53: 625,278 EXP
L 54: 661,347 EXP
L 55: 698,775 EXP
L 56: 737,583 EXP
L 57: 777,807 EXP
L 58: 819,465 EXP
L 59: 862,590 EXP
L 60: 907,200 EXP
L 61: 953,316 EXP
L 62: 1,000,974 EXP
L 63: 1,050,192 EXP
L 64: 1,101,003 EXP
L 65: 1,153,425 EXP
L 66: 1,207,479 EXP
L 67: 1,263,201 EXP
L 68: 1,320,609 EXP
L 69: 1,379,736 EXP
L 70: 1,920,800 EXP
L 71: 2,004,296 EXP
L 72: 2,090,184 EXP
L 73: 2,178,488 EXP
L 74: 2,269,252 EXP
L 75: 2,362,500 EXP
L 76: 2,458,260 EXP
L 77: 2,556,580 EXP
L 78: 2,657,484 EXP
L 79: 2,761,016 EXP
L 80: 2,867,200 EXP
L 81: 2,976,064 EXP
L 82: 3,087,656 EXP
L 83: 3,202,000 EXP
L 84: 3,319,140 EXP
L 85: 4,298,875 EXP
L 86: 4,452,385 EXP
L 87: 4,609,515 EXP
L 88: 4,770,295 EXP
L 89: 4,934,780 EXP
L 90: 5,103,000 EXP
L 91: 5,274,990 EXP
L 92: 5,450,810 EXP
L 93: 5,630,490 EXP
L 94: 5,814,085 EXP
L 95: 6,001,625 EXP
L 96: 6,193,145 EXP
L 97: 6,388,705 EXP
L 98: 6,588,335 EXP
L 99: 6,792,090 EXP
L 100: 7,000,000 EXP
L 101: 7,350,000 EXP
L 102: 7,717,000 EXP
L 103: 8,102,000 EXP
L 104: 8,507,000 EXP
L 105: 8,932,000 EXP
L 106: 9,378,000 EXP
L 107: 9,846,000 EXP
L 108: 10,338,000 EXP
L 109: 10,854,000 EXP
L 110: 11,396,000 EXP
L 111: 11,965,000 EXP
L 112: 12,563,000 EXP
L 113: 13,191,000 EXP
L 114: 13,850,000 EXP
L 115: 14,542,000 EXP
L 116: 15,269,000 EXP
L 117: 16,032,000 EXP
L 118: 16,833,000 EXP
L 119: 17,674,000 EXP
L 120: 18,557,000 EXP
L 121: 19,484,000 EXP
L 122: 20,458,000 EXP
L 123: 21,480,000 EXP
L 124: 22,554,000 EXP
L 125: 23,681,000 EXP
L 126: 24,865,000 EXP
L 127: 26,108,000 EXP
L 128: 27,413,000 EXP
L 129: 28,783,000 EXP
L 130: 30,222,000 EXP

Important notice! Monster Quinnlong is a fictional character of humans.
There is only single Creator of everything and anything
All Monster are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects.
Games are for only fun time and do never put any spiritual/religional or deity meaning into them!
Never pass your necessary jobs and duties due to gameplaying!
Moreover, there is no such thing as random evolution. However, there can be evolution programmed by Almighty Creator Allah.

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